Twitter Search

Aus Geometrie-Wiki
Version vom 23. April 2012, 11:35 Uhr von *m.g.* (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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von dort Vorlage:Widget This widget allows you to embed Twitter Search widget (HTML version) on your wiki page.

To insert this widget, use the following code:

{{#widget:Twitter Search
|caption=what people say about ShowSlow


  • query - search query (extended search parameters)
  • title - widget title (text on the top)
  • caption - widget caption (in large font)
  • width & height - width and height of the box, 250x300 is default
  • Theme:
    • shell.background - shell background color
    • shell.color - shell text color
    • tweets.background - tweet background color
    • tweets.color - tweet text color
    • tweets.links - links color

Sample result